但 是,一拿到报纸,看到那大大的标题,你说,“给我闭嘴!”我吓了一跳, 我以为你在骂我。再看下去,你又说,“不许重复华人寄居论!“我的情绪从害怕转为愤怒。我以为你这么不可理喻,这么限制言论自由。再仔细地读新闻内容,原 来,你是在教训你那不长进的下属,你要他不再胡言乱语,给你添麻烦。
亲爱的首相哪,也许是我想太多了,也许你说的并不是你想表达的。就像你说国会不解散,却解散; 油价不起,却起;不跌,却跌这样。你那高人一等的智慧,总能作出一些让人出人意表的事情,所以我想,那位想谋夺你位子的敌人安先生,应该没有这样容易可以将你击败吧?
啊,似乎谈太多了。亲爱的首相, 我就此打住吧!免得一个不小心又说错了什么,让你难做人。
一个关心你的大马身份证持有人 敬上
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
'Balik China, Balik India, Balik Indonesia' Issue by Mahaguru58
Mahaguru58 是一个很虔诚的回教徒,我很常都上他的部落格去看看他写的东西。我很欣赏他的文笔,也很钦佩他对马来西亚的热爱,以及对“马来西亚人”的诠释。
看 了他的这个贴,我觉得我们应该对马来人改观,也不应该排斥回教。我相信那些种族主义和马来主权的马来人没有想象中的多。从巴东蒲补选成绩来看,我们可以大 胆的认为超过60%的马来人是不认同种族主义的。而他的这个贴,清楚的道出了一个回教徒对种族主义应有的排斥和马来人在马来西亚实际上的地位,并以回教教 义来支持“反种族主义。“
'Balik China, Balik India, Balik Indonesia' Issue
I am referring of course to the erroneous call of certain racist elements in our multi-ethnic, multi-faithed nation who keep spewing such idiotic slogans and threats against their fellow citizens namely by the nation's number# 1 racist organization @ Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu @ PEKEMBAR. Better known by the British Colonial given name as United Malays National Organization or U.M.N.O.
The problem with such myopic individuals asking the citizens of this country who are from the Chinese or Indian ethnicity to 'return to China or India' is that such uncouth Malays are simply clueless folks who fail to understand how nationality works?
Anyone born here in this land belong to this land. Period.
There is no such thing as returning to a foreign land from which one's ancestors came from?
If we are to follow such a notion, then the Orang Asli's of this land have every God given right to ask all Malays to get the hell out of here and return to Palembang, Sumatera, Indonesia for that is where the former Hindu prince Parameswara sailed from to escape persecution from his enemies!
So, instead of asking anyone to return to any foreign land which by law will never recognise them as their's in the first place, wake up and learn to speak in a cohesive, rational manner!
Address the issues that one is not happy with instead of resorting to gutter mentalities and adopt racist attitudes which actually run contrary to the faith that one professes?
That is of course, if one is really a faithful believer in the first place!
Many of the nation's buffoons who are holding this and that official political position expose their lack of leadership qualities when they resort to using such offensive epithets to call upon others to go to anywhere it is that they wish for?
They do not have the right to do so for they are just descendants of immigrants to this land as well!
Such people need to grow up and learn to be leaders in the first place.
Any idiot who keeps calling others to return to China or India ought to first pack up his or her bags and return to Palembang in the first place.
I am sure that the Orang Asli community would love to see that happen and for them to regain what has been taken from them in the very first place.
Will those blabbering loudmouths be man or woman enough to practice what they preach or is it going to be just another case of the cockerel or hen that crows and clucks aloud failing to realise that one's tail is just full of you know what?
As for those who are guilty of such stupidity, resigning from their positions and allowing other level headed, rational leaders would be most appropriate for the good of this evolving nation.
I wish to remind such loudmouths to refer to the Final Khutba of our beloved Rasulullah Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam as to the rights of others who are not of the same ilk as us but equal in the eyes of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala save for their Iman in Him and their Amals?
The Malaikats Munkar and Naqir are not gonna be bothered as to what ethnicity one is when they start their interrogation of us in our graves?
They won't ask us as to whether we are bumiputera or otherwise?
They won't care whether one is a king or a commoner?
They won't bother as to what car you drove or lived in an 'istana' for the matter?
They won't also care if you have a 'Tuanku', 'Tengku', 'Megat', 'Raja', 'Engku', 'Syed', 'Nik', 'Tun', 'Tan Sri', 'Datuk Paduka',' Datuk Seri','Datuk', 'Dato', 'Haji' or what ever other honorific that one has before one's name hereon earth!
* All that they will ask us is who is our Lord?
* Who is our Prophet?
* Who are our Ikhwan?
* What is our Qiblat?
* What is our Imam?
* etc.
So, to the ones who are so fixated as to the color of one's skin and so called hereditary, please go back to the basics and start learning about being human.
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala guide us all.
* Selamat Berpuasa!
You are free to copy this article and spread it throughout the whole world if you wish!
I stand behind each and every word I have written here as a Muslim, Servant of Almighty Allah!
Zainol Abideen @ MAHAGURU58
Muslim Bloggers Alliance.
看 了他的这个贴,我觉得我们应该对马来人改观,也不应该排斥回教。我相信那些种族主义和马来主权的马来人没有想象中的多。从巴东蒲补选成绩来看,我们可以大 胆的认为超过60%的马来人是不认同种族主义的。而他的这个贴,清楚的道出了一个回教徒对种族主义应有的排斥和马来人在马来西亚实际上的地位,并以回教教 义来支持“反种族主义。“
'Balik China, Balik India, Balik Indonesia' Issue
I am referring of course to the erroneous call of certain racist elements in our multi-ethnic, multi-faithed nation who keep spewing such idiotic slogans and threats against their fellow citizens namely by the nation's number# 1 racist organization @ Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu @ PEKEMBAR. Better known by the British Colonial given name as United Malays National Organization or U.M.N.O.
The problem with such myopic individuals asking the citizens of this country who are from the Chinese or Indian ethnicity to 'return to China or India' is that such uncouth Malays are simply clueless folks who fail to understand how nationality works?
Anyone born here in this land belong to this land. Period.
There is no such thing as returning to a foreign land from which one's ancestors came from?
If we are to follow such a notion, then the Orang Asli's of this land have every God given right to ask all Malays to get the hell out of here and return to Palembang, Sumatera, Indonesia for that is where the former Hindu prince Parameswara sailed from to escape persecution from his enemies!
So, instead of asking anyone to return to any foreign land which by law will never recognise them as their's in the first place, wake up and learn to speak in a cohesive, rational manner!
Address the issues that one is not happy with instead of resorting to gutter mentalities and adopt racist attitudes which actually run contrary to the faith that one professes?
That is of course, if one is really a faithful believer in the first place!
Many of the nation's buffoons who are holding this and that official political position expose their lack of leadership qualities when they resort to using such offensive epithets to call upon others to go to anywhere it is that they wish for?
They do not have the right to do so for they are just descendants of immigrants to this land as well!
Such people need to grow up and learn to be leaders in the first place.
Any idiot who keeps calling others to return to China or India ought to first pack up his or her bags and return to Palembang in the first place.
I am sure that the Orang Asli community would love to see that happen and for them to regain what has been taken from them in the very first place.
Will those blabbering loudmouths be man or woman enough to practice what they preach or is it going to be just another case of the cockerel or hen that crows and clucks aloud failing to realise that one's tail is just full of you know what?
As for those who are guilty of such stupidity, resigning from their positions and allowing other level headed, rational leaders would be most appropriate for the good of this evolving nation.
I wish to remind such loudmouths to refer to the Final Khutba of our beloved Rasulullah Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam as to the rights of others who are not of the same ilk as us but equal in the eyes of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala save for their Iman in Him and their Amals?
The Malaikats Munkar and Naqir are not gonna be bothered as to what ethnicity one is when they start their interrogation of us in our graves?
They won't ask us as to whether we are bumiputera or otherwise?
They won't care whether one is a king or a commoner?
They won't bother as to what car you drove or lived in an 'istana' for the matter?
They won't also care if you have a 'Tuanku', 'Tengku', 'Megat', 'Raja', 'Engku', 'Syed', 'Nik', 'Tun', 'Tan Sri', 'Datuk Paduka',' Datuk Seri','Datuk', 'Dato', 'Haji' or what ever other honorific that one has before one's name hereon earth!
* All that they will ask us is who is our Lord?
* Who is our Prophet?
* Who are our Ikhwan?
* What is our Qiblat?
* What is our Imam?
* etc.
So, to the ones who are so fixated as to the color of one's skin and so called hereditary, please go back to the basics and start learning about being human.
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala guide us all.
* Selamat Berpuasa!
You are free to copy this article and spread it throughout the whole world if you wish!
I stand behind each and every word I have written here as a Muslim, Servant of Almighty Allah!
Zainol Abideen @ MAHAGURU58
Muslim Bloggers Alliance.
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Masa sebelum Negara kita merdeka dulu memang ramai pekerja-pekerja kontrak dari Negara China dan India datang ke Malaysia yang di bawa oleh kerajaan British untuk bekerja di lombong-lombong bijih dan ladang-ladang getah di Negara ini. Tetapi masa tu mereka tidaklah dipanggil sebagai pekerja kontrak.
Memang sifat orang Melayu dari dulu lebih selesa menjadi ‘tuan’ mereka tidak berapa suka kerja sebagai buruh kontrak ni. Mungkin juga kerajaan British ketika itu bayar upah yang murah maka orang Melayu tak suka kerja seperti itu.
Sama jugalah seperti masa sekarang ini, kerja-kerja pembinaan yang memerlukan tenaga tulang empat kerat, kerja-kerja yang bergaji murah seperti pelayan-pelayan kedai, membersih bangunan atau pejabat tidak diminati oleh rakyat tempatan.
Oleh itu kerja-kerja seperti ini telah diambil alih oleh pendatang-pendatang dari luar seperti dari Indonesia, China, India, Bangladesh, Nepal dan Myanmar. Akhirnya ramailah pekerja-pekerja asing ini memenuhi Negara kita.
Mereka ini datang dengan niat untuk bekerja bagi mendapatkan wang untuk dihantar balik bagi keperluan keluarga mereka yang ditinggalkan di kampung. Mereka yang datang bekerja ini juga tidak pernah memikirkan untuk terus tinggal menetap di Malaysia.
Kehidupan mereka di sini sungguh ringkas sekali. Mereka makan sekadar yang boleh mengenyangkan, pakaian pun jarang berganti baru, tinggal di rumah kongsi, lebih baik sikit mungkin ada majikan yang menyewakan rumah untuk dikongsi beramai-ramai dan jauh sekalilah untuk membeli perabut-perabut mahal dan harta kekal kerana susah untuk dibawa balik ke Negara asal mereka nanti.
Kecintaan mereka kepada Negara ini memang boleh dikatakan tidak ada, hati dan perasaan mereka hanyalah kepada Negara asal mereka sahaja.
Kita sebagai warganegara dan rakyat tempatan tidak begitu selesa dengan kehadiran pendatang-pendatang asing ini. Resam dan budaya mereka jauh berbeza dengan kita. Sudah tentu kita tidak mahu kalau pekerja-pekerja asing ini diberikan taraf warganegara. Kita masih curiga dengan kesetiaan dan kecintaan mereka terhadap Negara ini.
Suasana beginilah yang berlaku semasa menjelang Negara kita mencapai kemerdekaan dahulu. Masyarakat Melayu yang merupakan penduduk tempatan Malaya ketika itu sangsi dengan kesetiaan dan kecintaan orang-orang Cina dan India terhadap Negara ini yang kehadiran mereka sebelum itu hanya dianggap sebagai pekerja asing yang mencari wang di sini.
Kebanyakan pekerja-pekerja Cina dan India ketika itu memang lahir di Negara asal mereka, mereka datang ke Malaya untuk bekerja bagi mendapatkan wang. Oleh itu memang tak dapat dinafikan kesetiaan dan kecintaan mereka kepada Negara asal itu masih tebal, Malaya hanyalah tempat mereka mencari makan sahaja.
Tidak hairanlah kalau semasa penjajahan Jepun tahun 1941, ramai orang-orang Cina di Malaya dibunuh oleh Jepun kerana orang-orang Cina di Malaya ini juga dianggap sebagai warga Negara China. Di waktu itu Jepun juga berperang dengan Negara China.
Apabila British menawarkan Merdeka kepada Malaya, British telah meletakkan syarat supaya orang-orang asing yang mereka bawa ke Malaya iaitu orang-orang Cina dan orang-orang India hendaklah diterima sebagai warganegara seperti orang Melayu, tentulah syarat yang dikenakan British ini amat berat untuk diterima oleh penduduk tempatan atau orang Melayu ketika itu.
Samalah beratnya seperti kita hendak menerima pekerja-pekerja asing dari Indonesia, China, India, Bangladesh, Nepal dan Myanmar sekarang ini untuk menjadi warganegara Malaysia.
Memang ada sebab untuk orang tempatan berasa bimbang kalau pendatang atau pekerja asing ini diberikan taraf warganegara, kerana khuwatir orang asing ini akan merampas hak-hak dan keistimewaan yang mereka miliki sebagai rakyat tempatan.
Maka dari situlah lahirnya apa yang dinamakan ‘kontrak sosial’ yang telah dipersetujui antara pemimpin-pemimpin dari tiga kaum terbesar ini iaitu Melayu, China dan India bagi mencari jalan tengah bagi mengatasi masalah tersebut.
Mengikut yang punya cerita, dari ‘kontrak sosial’ inilah lahirnya ‘ketuanan’ dan ‘keistimewaan’ orang-orang Melayu yang telah dipersetujui antara pemimpin-pemimpin kaum tadi.
Kini kita telahpun 50 tahun merdeka, hampir semua orang Cina dan orang India yang menjadi warganegara Malaysia hari ini adalah lahir di bumi Malaysia ini. Kesetiaan dan kecintaan mereka kepada Malaysia memang tidak boleh disangsikan. Di sinilah tempat mereka dilahirkan dan disini jugalah tempat mereka mahu dikebumikan.
Oleh itu ‘kontrak sosial’ yang pernah dipersetujui untuk suasana di masa yang lalu itu memang tidak relevan lagi. Kita tidak kira kaum seharusnya mempunyai hak yang sama, tidak ada siapa harus menjadi ‘tuan’ dan tidak ada siapa juga yang harus menjadi ‘hamba’. Kita bukan lagi berdepan dengan pekerja asing dari China dan dari India seperti sebelum merdeka dulu, tetapi sekarang kita berdepan dengan orang Cina dan India yang lahir di bumi Malaysia.
Kalau etnik Jawa, Minang, Banjar, Bugis telah boleh diterima setaraf warganegara Melayu lainnya, maka tidak ada sebab etnik Cina dan India tidak boleh mendapat taraf yang sama.
Mungkin perbezaan adat dan agama menyebabkan kita sukar untuk bergaul antara satu sama lain, tetapi ini bukanlah sebab untuk kita membeza-bezakan hak-hak mereka melalui ‘kontrak sosial’ yang dikenakan kepada mereka tanpa mereka mengetahui justifikasi disebalik kewujudan ‘kontrak sosial’ itu.